Hi Friends…See Jeff Symmonds personally at DESERT FALLS COUNTRY CLUB in Palm Desert CA this winter for all Short Game Schools!! *** Short Game Schools are held at the beautiful Desert Falls Country Club. *** Sessions are THREE hours. 10 am to 1 pm. *** Tuition is $289. DISCOUNTS for…

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Visiting Florida? Its a great day for golf lessons.

Hi Friends… Are Visiting Florida? Its a great day for golf lessons. A short message to everyone who may be coming to Florida this Fall, Winter, or Spring: You can see me personally in Orlando or Ft Lauderdale for Short-Game Schools, or Daily Sessions. LEARNING to PLAY and PERFORM BETTER…

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SHORT GAME SCHOOLS, Orlando, Phoenix, Las Vegas

short game Golf Schools prlando phoenix las vegas

SHORT GAME SCHOOLS…A MUST-HAVE for your Golf Game!! Hi Friends…your golf season is fast approaching, now is the time to learn the correct way to PITCH, CHIP, and PUTT! Join us on ORLANDO, LAS VEGAS, and PHOENIX for The Jeff Symmonds Short-Game Schools. ***3-hour session for a single is $235…

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