HOT JULY $PECIAL for Golf Schools and Short-Game Schools!

Hi Friends…We have a truly HOT JULY $PECIAL for Golf Schools and Short-Game Schools!

1-Day Session….$269!! (2-somes are $249 each)
2-Day Session….$549!! (2-somes are $499 each)
3-Day Session….$859!! (2-somes are $799 each)

Short-Game Schools are $219 for the month of JULY!! (2 somes are $199 each)

Temecula..Palm Springs..Phoenix..Tucson..Las Vegas..Dallas..Orlando..Ft Lauderdale

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orlando golf schools,

If you just got off the golf course and had a frustrating day, If you just hook it or slice it off the tee all day, If your fairway or greens game is off, then Jeff Symmonds has the answer to your frustrations. And beginning July 31st you can train with Jeff Symmonds personally at his Orlando Golf Schools in Orlando Florida. At Jeff Symmonds Golf Schools, our professional quality golf lesson instructors can help you improve your game in just a few sessions for not much more than what it probably cost you to play one game this past week. Our prices are fair. You will learn more in one day than you ever expect. And you get free golf daily after your session. How much better can this get? Call Jeff Symmonds today for a free consultation over the phone. It’s free. (760) 861-9985

Reach us @ 760 861-9985 to schedule your JULY Session today…we are available to meet your schedule, SEVEN DAYS A WEEK!

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Personal Attention for your Golf Game !

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